Ukrainian Culture: Past, Present, Ways of Development.
In 2016, the Institute for Cultural Research (then – the Institute of Culturology) of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine together with the Department of Cultural Studies and Museology of the Rivne State Humanities University became co-founders of the updated scientific collection of works “Ukrainian Culture: Past, Present, Ways of Development”.
The collection, created in 1995 by the Rivne State Humanities University, was titled “Ukrainian Culture: Past, Present, Ways of Development: Scientific Notes of the Rivne State Humanitarian University” and published by the Department of Cultural Studies and Museology of the Rivne State Humanities University. The collection was recognized by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as a specialized edition on problems of art studies (Resolution No. 2409/2 of February 9, 2000) and re-registered as a professional edition on cultural studies (Resolution No. 1-05 / 5 dated November 18, 2009) and art studies ( Regulation No. 1-05 / 4 dated October 14, 2009).
An updated scientific publication with a volume of 35.0 conventional printed sheets (format 60 х 84 1/8) is issued twice a year publishing scientific materials in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and English.
Each issue is devoted to a separate field:
- Art Studies
The collection is re-registered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a specialized edition on Art Studies – Decree No. 1-05 / 4 of 22.12.2016 and registered with ISSN International Center (Paris, FRANCE) ISSN № 2411-1546 (Print);
- Cultural Studies
The collection was re-registered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a specialized publication on cultural studies – Annex No. 8 to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 374 of March 13, 2017 and registered with the ISSN International Center (Paris, FRANCE): ISSN № 2518-1890 (Print).
The certificate on the state registration of the print media has been issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Series КВ № 22258-12158 ПР of May 20, 2016.
The collection contains articles of scientists of higher educational institutions devoted to the consideration of historical, artistic and cultural issues mainly of the West Ukrainian territories. A certain part of the material highlights the versatile facets of theoretical and methodological problems of Ukrainian culture and art. Messages, reviews and opinions form a separate section.
The publication is aimed at experts in cultural studies, art studies, historical sciences, social communications, bibliography, library science and everyone interested in the national historical, artistic and cultural heritage.