Institute for Cultural Research

of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

The Culturology Ideas

ISSN 2311-9489 (Print)
ISSN 2786-8265 (Online)

The Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine issues the collection of scientific works The Culturology Ideas. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal presenting the results of fundamental and applied research on problems that have become of particular importance in the context of current cultural development processes in Ukraine and in the world.

The collection of scientific works The Culturology Ideas aims at the consolidation and support of research on cultural studies, philosophy of culture, art studies. The thematic focus of the professional scientific publication is concerned with covering the results of scientific research in cultural studies as a system of knowledge about the essence of culture, the regularity and development of the environment of human existence; the analysis of theoretical, historical, art, sociological and other aspects of Ukrainian cultural studies; the study of culture as an over-complex system as a global phenomenon originally associated with human development.

The journal publishes articles in the following areas:

  • theory and history of culture;
  • Ukrainian culture;
  • cultural anthropology;
  • sociology of culture;
  • screen culture;
  • cultural heritage research and preservation;
  • applied cultural studies and cultural practices;
  • ethnic cultural studies;
  • philosophy of culture;
  • world culture and intercultural connections.

Released: since 2009.

Founder & Publisher: Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine.

Frequency: twice a year.

Languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian (mixed languages).

Collection of scientific works The Culturology Ideas is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Certificate of the state registration of the print mass media: Series KB № 21917-13757 ПР of May 21, 2019).

According to the order No. 886 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 02, 2020, The Culturology Ideas collection of scientific works is included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine (Category B), in which results of dissertation researches for obtaining the scientific degree of the doctor of sciences and the doctor of philosophy may be published.

Editor-in-Chief: Helmut Ludwig Loos, Doctor habilitated (Musicology), professor of the Institute of Musicology of Leipzig University, Germany, ORCID 0000-0002-4742-3639.

The Editorial Board includes well-known domestic and foreign scholars.

Target audience: scientists (cultural scientists, philosophers, historians, art critics, et cetera), artists, teachers, doctoral students, post-graduate students, students, cultural workers and all those interested in the problems of humanitarian knowledge.

License terms: authors retain copyright, as well as grant the editorial board of The Culturology Ideas journal the right to publish original scientific articles containing the results of research and not being under consideration for publication in other editions. All the materials are licensed under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Open Access Statement: The Editorial Board of The Culturology Ideas collection of scientific works adheres to the open access policy to the content of the articles on the basis of which accessible public research contributes to a more global exchange of knowledge. Full-text access to the scientific articles of The Culturology Ideas collection of scientific works is presented on the official website in the Archives section.

The Editorial Board of the collection of scientific works The Culturology Ideas has taken measures to ensure high ethical and professional standards based on Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. For more details, see Publication Ethics section.

Publications in the collection reflect the views of their authors, which may not coincide with the views of the editorial board; the authors are fully responsible for the data veracity they provide in their articles.

To reveal text borrowings in submitted manuscripts, the editorial office of The Culturology Ideas collection of scientific works uses the software. Manuscripts containing excessive percentage of unoriginal text or text borrowings without references to the source of origin, as well as those containing an excessive percentage of citations from other sources, are rejected by the editorial board and are not allowed to publish.

All full-text versions of the articles published in The Culturology Ideas collection of scientific works are available on the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine official website.

Mailing address of the Editorial Board: Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 50–52 Taras Shevchenko Boulevard, room 705, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine.

e-mail: for Authors:, for organizations: ; tel .: +380 44 2357228.