Yevhen Prychepii.
Goddess-Cosmos and Seven Deities in Primitive Mythological Representations.
Monograph (336 p.) is the result of the fundamental scientific research of the Institute for Cultural Research of the NAA of Ukraine on the topic Morphology of culture as an interdisciplinary problem: corpus methods, corporate sociology, communicative technologies.
A monograph is essentially an introduction to the semantics of symbols from archaeological artefacts, folk ornaments, and sets of signs present on archaeological artefacts and ornaments. The author analyses the logic of forming of archaic symbols and their structures, considers the role in this process of the ideas of ancient people about the structures of the Cosmos, the Body of the Goddess and the seven classical planets, thus, opens the way to the interpretation of the semantics of symbols. The monograph states that many signs hide the values of the cycles of the planets (the Sun and the Moon included) and the values of the physiological cycles of a woman.
ISBN 978-966-2241-48-8
UDC 130.2
© Institute for Cultural Research of the NAA of Ukraine, 2018.
© Ye. Prychepii, 2018.