Olena Berehova
Dialogue of cultures: the image of the Other in the musical universe
A monograph
The monograph studies various genres of Ukrainian and world academic music created at the turn of the XX-XXIst centuries from the perspective of imagology. It is argued that the imagological approach makes it possible to identify the specifics of the figurative perception of the Other by representatives of different cultures, to reveal the ideas of participants in cultural dialogue concerning each other, to find effective mechanisms for positive representation of Ukrainian culture in the world.
The publication is intended for teachers, students and applicants for degrees in higher education institutions of the humanities, researchers in the fields of music, cultural studies, art history, philosophy of culture.
© Institute for Cultural Research, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 2020.
© Olena Berehova, 2020.
Dialogue of cultures: the image of the Other in the musical universe, 2020 (ukr.). pdf