Institute for Cultural Research

of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

A Human in the Modern World: Socio-Philosophical and Cultural-Anthropological Dimensions



Olena Berehova, Violeta Demeshchenko, et al.

A Human in the Modern World: Socio-Philosophical and Cultural-Anthropological Dimensions

A monograph

The study performed within the fundamental research of the Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine on the topic Cultural anthropology in the system of modern humanities: communication technologies, socio-cultural transformations, interdisciplinary approach.

Considering the current challenges of globalization, the issue of defining a human and understanding one’s place in a constantly changing world has gained a new perspective. Cultural anthropology and social philosophy have traditionally studied these issues. The authors of this monograph give their vision of this problem.

The publication is intended for specialists in the field of cultural studies, philosophy of culture, art history, researchers of academic institutions and creative higher educational institutions.

© Institute for Cultural Research, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 2020.

© Authors, 2020.

A Human in the Modern World: Socio-Philosophical and Cultural-Anthropological Dimensions (ukr.). pdf