Institute for Cultural Research

of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Sociological Studies of Culture: Concepts and Practices


Viktor Shcherbyna, Marta Naumova, Larysa Aza and others.

Sociological Studies of Culture: Concepts and Practices.


Collective monograph (256 p.) is the result of the fundamental scientific research of the Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine on the topic Ukrainian national culture as integrity: regulation of its regional differences.

The work is a unique professional publication aiming to reveal the heuristic potential of a sociological approach in the national cultural thought. Sociology allows us to see the cultural practices of contemporary Ukrainian society in their mass manifestation, to discover the value-normative principles of institutionalized and non-institutionalized cultural activities, as well as to raise topical issues of a methodological nature regarding the development of culture and cultural knowledge. The works of Ukrainian sociologists included in the monograph demonstrate the theoretical and applied achievements of the sociological community in the field of cultural studies.

The monograph will be useful to cultural scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and the public interested in the development of modern Ukrainian culture.

© Viktor Shcherbyna, 2010.
© Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 2009.

ISBN 978-966-2241-14-3