Institute for Cultural Research

of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Self-organization and Cultural Dynamics, and Their Peculiarities in Ukraine. Issue 1. Dynamics of Cultural Processes in Ukraine


Self-organization and Cultural Dynamics, and Their Peculiarities in Ukraine.
Issue 1. Dynamics of Cultural Processes in Ukraine.


Collection of scientific works (232 p.) is the result of the fundamental scientific research of the Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine on the topic Self-organization and dynamics of culture and their peculiarities in Ukraine.

The publication includes the scientific research materials devoted to problems of the theory of culture: modern concepts of culture and cultural development, globalization and problems of intercultural relations, the culture of the world’s peoples and the problems of the formation of world culture, intercultural relations in the conditions of the global economic crisis, etc. The collection includes the texts of the reports of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Theoretical Conference “The Dynamics of Cultural Processes in Ukraine”, which discuss gnoseological and ontological aspects of cultural processes, social factors and dimensions of cultural processes.

© Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 2010.

ISBN 978-966-2241-09-9