Institute for Cultural Research

of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Yurii Bohutskyi

Founder and Director of the Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2008–2019).

Yurii Petrovych Bohutskyi (24.09.1952, Mykolaivka Village, Velykolepetytskyi district, Kherson region – 14.05.2019, Kyiv) is prominent state and public figure, famous Ukrainian scientist, philosopher, culturologist, educator, a symbolic figure for Ukraine, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2002), Full Member of the Academie Europeenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres, AESAL (2019), Ph.D. in philosophy (2001), professor (1997), Merited Arts Worker of Ukraine (1997);

  • an outstanding reform and development coordinator in the sphere of culture and art as Deputy Minister of Culture of Ukraine (1991-1992), Minister of Culture and Arts of Ukraine (1999, 2001–2004), Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine (2006–2007), First Deputy Minister of Culture of Ukraine (2011-2013), Assistant, Advisor to the President of Ukraine;
  • founder of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Vice-President of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Aesthetics and Cultural Studies at the Department of Synthesis of Plastic Arts of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, founder of the Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2008) and its director until 2019, activity of which was directed at the expansion of fundamental scientific research on aesthetic, cultural and art history issues against the background of cultural processes taking place in Ukraine.

Yurii Bohutskyi was awarded the Order of Merit I (2009), II (2003), and III (2002) class, certificates of honor of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, state awards of foreign countries (Vatican, Georgia, Italy, Poland, the Russian Federation), other departmental and ecclesiastical honors, Gold medal of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2012).

His main scientific works are the following:

Mutual Enrichment of Cultures of Ukraine and Greece in the 19th Century (1996);

The Dialectic of the Development of the Spiritual Culture under Modern Social Conditions (1999);

Humanitarian Policy of Ukraine and Topical Problems of Cultural Development (1999);

Cultural Genesis as a Modern Scientific Phenomenon (2000);

The Phenomenon of Cultural Genesis and the Problems of the Modern Cultural Crisis (2000);

Culture of Independent Ukraine (2001);

Problems and Prospects of Ukrainian Culture;

Encyclopedia of Ethnic Cultural Studies: in 6 Volumes (co-authored, 2000-2001);

Status and Prospects for the Development of Culture in Ukraine (2004);

monograph Formation of the Foundations of Cultural Studies in the Age of Civilization Globalization: Second half of the XIX – beginning of the XXI centuries (2005, co-authored);

monograph Self-organization of Culture: Ontology, Dynamics, Perspectives (2008);

monograph New Cultural Reality as a Sociodynamic Process of Human Creation (2013, co-authored);

State policy under Conditions of New Cultural Reality (2013, co-authored);

Cultural Studies tutorial (2013, co-authored);

Scientific Creativity in the Field of Cultural Studies and Art History tutorial (2016, co-authored) and others.

Yu. Bohutskyi is the chairman of the editorial board and editor-in-chief of the collection of scientific works of the Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine The Culturology Ideas (2008–2019).

He is the author of numerous articles on theory, history and practice of culture.

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